Bus from San José to Santa Teresa / Malpais

A direct bus, run by Transportes Cobano,  leaves twice a day from Downtown San Jose (Terminal 7-10) and brings you to Mal Pais/Santa Teresa.The bus departs from downtown San Jose at 6:00am and 2:00pm. The 6:00am bus arrives at about 12:30pm, and the 2:00pm bus arrives at about 8:30pm. (The direct bus leaves from Santa Teresa at the same times as well)

The bus bring you directly to the ferry, goes on the ferry with you, and picks you up again on the other side. Make sure to keep your receipt, so that you can get back on the bus in Paquera.

The bus schedule is timed so that it gets to the ferry shortly before departure, so wait time is minimal and the trip is streamlined. If the ferry schedule changes, this may affect the bus departure time. You can always call  Transportes Cobano to confirm departure time.

Phone numbers:




Once the bus arrives in Santa Teresa, it drives up the road for several kilometers. Tell the driver where you want to get off.