
In case of health problems, we recommend you to visit Doctor Jorge Gamboa Jiménez. His medical office is located at the "Centro Comercial Playa Carmen". The office is open Monday to Saturday from 8am to 8pm.

You can make an appointment by calling : +506 8392 2228



There are two pharmacies in Santa Teresa:

The first: Farmacia Amiga-Santa Teresa is located in Plaza Kahuna Santa Teresa. You can reach them by phone at: +506 2640 0171. The pharmacy is open Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 7 pm.

The second one: Farmacia Amiga-Playa Carmen is located at Centro Comercial Playa Carmen. You can reach them by phone at: +506 2640 0830. The pharmacy is open Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 8 pm and Sunday from 8 am to 4 pm.


Unimed Urgent Care - Santa Teresa

The Santa Teresa Ambulatory Care Center is located at "Contiguo al Super Ronny #1". You can call them at: +506 2640 0644. They are open 24/7.


Santa Teresa Lifeguards

The Santa Teresa Lifeguards are dedicated to providing safety, information, aquatic prevention and emergency assistance on Santa Teresa's beaches.

Phone number: +506 2640 0911